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Behavior addictions are high risk behavior compulsions which the individual consistently and persistently pursues and becomes consumed by their illusive allure despite the various personal, physical, social, emotional and financial perils and losses they sustain.
At RemedyBlox we attribute this drive to the individual's fractured psyche which is the driving force behind the behavior addiction which is a mere symptom of the problem needing to be fixed to bring the urges for self-destructive behaviors to an end as well as prevent addiction vice transference from happening.
The term "behavior addiction" can mean different things to many people and can manifest itself through various addictive tendencies, obsessive and compulsive high-risk behaviors which can exist singularly (experience only one addiction), appear in tandem (comorbidity of several addictions simultaneously), or adapt through "vice transference" (switching from one addiction to another or pivoting between two or more addictions), including holding or developing any combination of different vice addictions at any given time.
While the DSM-V diagnostic criteria for addiction has recently expanded its addiction definition from a category of disorders known as "Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders" (APA, 2013) to also include "Addictive Behaviors" - for our purpose to better understand the progression of behavior addictions the following spectrum is relied upon.
We recognize that this image might be a bit graphic but worth posting to help provide a visual for better understanding the ferocious nature of Problem Gambling.
The insatiable beast that dwells within a Problem Gambler has one goal and mission - to devour the addict's physical, emotional, financial and spiritual state. It will not stop until there is truly nothing left to lose!
BUT FORTUNATELY RECOVERY IS ALL ABOUT DISCOVERY - and once you have seen the monster behind your addiction - you are no longer tempted to foolishly believe you can tame that insatiable beast within or feed it "just a little bit" (e.g., going to gamble for a short period of time or with set amount of money). Not only will desired expectation not happen - but by going to gamble again will just help sustain the monster within for the future.
After all it is that beast's mission and purpose to using the problem gambler as it's feed! Hence why recovery needs to be seen as the means to empower the addict to walk away from this monster for good including not believing its deceptive lures of grandeur that gambling can offer. Only when one walks away for good - by refusing to be the beast's source of feed will that monster finally be defeated by being starved to death!
Learning Objectives:
1) Explain the basic components of substance use disorders and how a substance use disorder effects family members.
2) Identify and discuss the stigma that surrounds substance use disorders and the impact stigma has on family members.
3) Discuss strategies of how to work with families with a member with a substance use disorder.
4) Demonstrate how to introduce and implement strategies with a user and their family member. <CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD PDF)
Ask Yourself...
If you answered "YES" to any of the above - you owe it to yourself to reach out for help before your addiction spirals your life into greater despair. There is hope in recovery and you do not have to suffer in silence anymore.
You can always reach out to us directly at RemedyBlox - as we can help you get started in your recovery journey so you can reclaim your life back from the high-risk self-destructive compulsions you have been battling with until now.
There are distinct signs when it comes to recognizing if a person is struggling with Problem Gambling. Learning to recognize the signs early on is key to avert the gambling addiction from progressing on the addiction spectrum where the outcomes can be devastating for the addict if they do not recognize and admit they have a problem and commit to a recovery program.
The latest diagnosis criteria (2018) for compulsive gambling disorder by the American Psychiatric Association, is based on at least four of the following signs being present in someone within the past year.
The following symptoms are commonly found among those who are either problem gamblers or are on the cusp of developing a full blown gambling addiction (provided that other / separate mental health conditions are not prevalent).
Source https://www.psychiatry.org/.../what-is-gambling-disorder
Noteworthy mention - the above list is not sufficient to determine whether you have a gambling addiction. Instead this list serves as a great starting point for self-evaluation and reflection - especially when the addiction is in the early stages where the person is still deluding themselves that they have everything under control while their gambling progressively grows in duration, frequency and amounts wagered - ultimately adversely affecting every part of their life.
In order to make an accurate diagnosis, one needs to seek out a mental health professional such as a therapist or psychiatrist who can accurately diagnose and rule out other mental health conditions that may be the cause or contributing factors that will need to be treated in addition to self-destructive high risk behaviors like problem gambling.
Entering therapy is important as individuals with a gambling addiction tend to have higher rates of other disorders such as substance abuse, depressive disorders, and anxiety disorders that will need to be worked on and managed under the guidance of a licensed professional. Furthermore, in order to make an accurate diagnosis, a trained physician must do a complete evaluation to determine what if any other medical conditions will need to be treated to end the cycle of cross addiction feeding.
To assist with the next steps we invite individuals to join our our closed facebook group HOPE FOR GAMBLERS UNABLE TO QUIT to finally be able to speak with others openly in a confidential forum to gain support and insights about recovery and bringing the cycle of relapse to an end.
At RemedyBlox we regard all forms of behavior addictions as symptomatic expressions of the addict's subconscious mindset which was fractured by an earlier exposure to traumatic life event(s).
Traumatic life events can entail:
Since traumatic life experiences (regardless of their severity or duration) are found in most if not among all addicts - the impact of such earlier trauma and their injurious lasting psychological effects on the individual's subconscious mind (their psyche) cannot be discounted, minimized nor ignored when it comes to understanding addiction onset and the recovery process. Under the revolutionary and progressive "Fractured Psyche Recovery Model" that was coined in early 2000 by Remedy Max - the contention is that whenever the survivor of a traumatic life event fails to mentally process or properly heal psychologically from their past traumatic experience(s) (preferably under the guidance of a trained professional) - then the onset / development of a high risk behavior compulsion or substance abuse leading into a serious addiction is more likely to occur.
The reasons for this happening is attributed to when the trauma survivor relies on avoidance or minimization techniques as their way to cope instead of deal with past traumatic event(s) - where their injured psyche (their subconscious mind) is denied the opportunity to properly process and heal from the trauma sustained.
Basically said, when the survivor the "individual self" does not offer crucial answers to their subconscious mind as to how and why the past traumatic event(s) happened - their subconscious mind will resort to conjuring up its own version of answers (in its limited form) so that the past can be processed and the psyche can find the needed closure to allow it to move on and function to its best ability.
During its search for answers and without any guidance or assistance received from the individual - the subconscious mind (psyche) of the individual ends up concluding that the events happened because of the individual "self's" shortcomings and inability to stop or prevent the earlier forms of trauma. It basically blames the "individual self" for the dire and painful past event(s). Their psyche also proceeds to form a negative view about the "individual self" where the psyche comes to regard the "individual self" as being weak, inept and a failure - including deeming them to be unworthy of having anything good in their life in the future because of their inability to safeguard against risk exposures.
When the subconscious mind conjures up such a negative narrative about their "individual self" (while limited and irrational) it comes to assert itself in control over the "individual self". It is at that moment the fracture of the psyche is formed and it will do anything to protect it's negative view from becoming invalidated by the "individual self's" actions,
Meaning, if the individual proceeds to move on following a traumatic event where they find new happiness in life, become successful, start to feel good about themselves and achieve various accomplishments in life (e.g., securing a good paying job, owning a nice home, developing strong social support networks, finding a loving partner, getting married, feeling at peace and in control over their life, etc..) their fractured psyche becomes alarmed and starts to look for ways to eliminate each of those life milestone achievements the individual accomplished so that its negative narrative is not devalued or invalidated.
Through our "Fractured Psyche Recovery Model" we present how the psyche's fracture orchestrates the allure for high risk behaviors to the "individual self". This includes the fractured psyche using deception and false promises to naively entice the "individual self" into repeated high risk activities which are pitched as brimming with opportunities to escape life hardships, to feel good, excited and feeling in control.
For individuals who become compulsive gamblers - the possibility of winning represents the opportunity to change their life for the better which is very appealing - not because they are lazy or greedy rather because their life's past experienced hardships serve as a constant reminder how hard life was in the past - where their desire to have financial security is exploited by their fractured psyche. Leading them on the quest to achieve financial rewards that will help the individual self protect themselves and their loved ones from experiencing similar struggles and hardships moving forward. Unfortunately, little does the Compulsive Gambler realize the real nefarious motives and timing with which the urges to gamble are presented by their fractured psyche which is seeking their financial and personal ruin.
For example gambling urges are typically pitched by the individuals fractured psyche when:
For the unsuspecting "individual self' who repeatedly falls for the deceptive ways with which addiction / high risk behavior compulsion(s) are presented by their fractured psyche as brimming with wonderful opportunities - they soon find their life spiraling out of control without knowing or understanding why this is happening to them.
Many find themselves sucked further and deeper into the dark abyss of despair as their addiction grows in frequency and intensity - until there is truly nothing left for them to lose except for the last and most precious commodity each person possesses - "THEIR LIFE". It is at that moment - once the addict finds themselves hitting rock bottom - that their fractured psyche steps up its game plan and presents suicide as the ideal solution that is brimming with hope and better opportunity to enter a new beginning of existence by taking their own life so that they can finally be free, happy and at peace from all life's turmoil and hardship they have lived through.
Given the high incidence rate of suicides and suicide attempts around the world (where many may not even be captured appropriately by current statistics particularly among those battling a behavior addiction like compulsive gambling) - makes one wonder if it was not the fractured psyche's ultimate end goal right from the start - to lead the "individual self" to take their own life after losing everything to an addiction.
What needs to be recognized is that the gambling addiction or other forms of high risk self-destructive compulsive behaviors are the vehicle / means that the individual's fractured subconscious mind uses and relies on to systematically eliminate all that the individual holds dear and values in their life. Their subconscious mind's motivation is to validate the negative narrative it had formed after the earlier life trauma as well as to punish the individual self for failing to protect and not helping it heal afterwards. By continuing to present opportunities for self-destruction the fractured psyche is basically navigating the addict to the edge from which they will take their final leap of faith of trusting their subconscious that death is the only way out to have peace from all the anguish their addiction has caused them. Through this last "fatal" decision and action to ending their life - their fractured psyche hopes to achieve its ultimate validation that it was correct all along about the individual self being weak and lacking all courage and no inclination for self-preservation, no self-worth or strength to protect themselves from serious harms - even death.
To help addicts prevent this tragic end, it is imperative for all who are battling any addiction to enter recovery without delay so that they can recognize their addiction as a symptom of a much deeper underlying root cause that is using a high risk self-sabotaging behavior as a lure to seek their demise. Recovery programs like the 12 steps program are a superb at offering tools and support to help addicts abstain and better manage their urges so that their financial, emotional, social, "BLEED" will stop. In addition, by not giving in to the gambling urges they will slowly reclaim their power back from their fractured psyche as it is no longer able to lure them into self-destructive behaviors through the fake allure that gambling represents. Once the fractured psyche takes notice that the "individual self" is capable of safeguarding themselves against the harms that the gambling addiction presents - the fractured psyche often will present other new forms of self-destructive behaviors to get the individual self back on track to destroy all that remains dear in their life. That is why it is imperative for the individual to not just learn how to avoid / resist giving in to all other types of self-destructive urges that their fractured mind will want to present again to achieve its end goal - but also to recognize the mental processes involved so that the individual self can start working on treating the root cause and not just learn to manage the symptoms of addiction.
Once the addict's fractured psyche comes to the realization by seeing the individual reclaiming control over their life with confidence and purpose by not acting on new self-destructive behaviors being presented (by their subconscious mind as a test) - is when the actual recovery breakthrough happens. It is at that point that the fractured psyche finally starts to accept that its earlier negative narrative it had formed about the individual self was incorrect and that it is time to allow the individual to help it start processing the past traumatic events properly and also to start trusting the individual self again. Once the individual and their subconscious mind reestablish trust - together they become a formidable team that is better equipped to protect that which they hold dear as well as embrace new opportunities in life that promote harmony, peace, a sense of self-worth and an appreciation for all good things that life has to offer.
To discuss our Fractured Psyche Addiction Recovery Model in more detail or to book a confidential consultation session to start on the road to recovery - please CLICK on TAB below.
The research article was published on September 28, 2021 by BASIS (Brief Addiction Science Information Source).
This six months research study looked to quantify "How the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic affected the number of deaths due to drug overdose, homicide, unintentional injury, motor vehicle crash, and suicide in the United States - including how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted people managing addiction."
The findings found that from March-August 2020, there were over 250,000 total excess deaths, of which almost 175,000 had COVID-19 as the underlying cause.
Compared to expected deaths, the number of observed deaths due to drug overdose, homicide, and unintentional injury were higher, motor vehicle crash deaths were about the same, and suicide deaths were lower (see Figure on left).
Among non-COVID excess deaths, 12.7% were drug overdoses, 2.4% were homicide deaths, and 9.1% were deaths due to unintentional injuries.
Also during the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic, drug overdoses exceeded pre-pandemic trends, with over ten thousand more deaths than expected. Social isolation and unemployment stress may have led to increased drug use, and pandemic-related changes in treatment access possibly exacerbated mortality from overdoses.
People with substance use disorder have been uniquely impacted by the pandemic, as they not only face threats from the COVID-19 virus itself but also from the effects of pandemic restrictions on their recovery. To meet the needs of this population, healthcare providers must adapt and develop new ways to deliver care, such as holding socially-distanced meetings under a tent or providing telehealth group-based opioid treatment.
For more details about addiction, visit the Basis Addiction Resources page at: https://www.basisonline.org/addiction_resources.html
The concept of stigma describes the powerful, negative perceptions commonly associated with substance abuse and addiction. Stigma has the potential to negatively affect a person’s self-esteem, damage relationships with loved ones, and prevent those suffering from addiction from accessing treatment.
Stigma is a public health issue — it contributes to high rates of death, incarceration, and mental health concerns among dependent populations.
Stigma is defined as a set of negative beliefs that a group or society holds about a topic or group of people. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), stigma is a major cause of discrimination and exclusion and it contributes to the abuse of human rights. When a person experiences stigma they are seen as less than because of their real or perceived health status. Stigma is rarely based on facts but rather on assumptions, preconceptions, and generalizations; therefore, its negative impact can be prevented or lessened through education. Stigma results in prejudice, avoidance, rejection, and discrimination against people who have a socially undesirable trait or engage in culturally marginalized behaviors, such as drug use (Link, 2001).
Family, friends and the general public can carry negative feelings about drug use or behavior. They may even use derogatory terms such as “junkie,” “alcoholic,” or “crackhead.” These thoughts, feelings, and labels can create and perpetuate stigma.
To learn more about:
Please visit:: https://drugabuse.com/addiction/stigma/?fbclid=IwAR1VvsLBQYpu5osOk7ZR9YqLHm0p44bup3Na4u4xfoJAYibCrLgnpYm369c
The research article published on April 6, 2020 by the BMJOpinion group - raises valid concerns about how the current COVID-19 Pandemic can and will negatively impact individuals long term.
Particularly those battling a gambling addiction - as the closure of physical gaming establishments during this pandemic (e.g., Casinos, Racetracks, Bingo Halls, Poker Tournaments, etc..) may have eliminated temporarily the opportunity and means for problem gamblers to attend in person as they used to do. However the urge to gamble can be equally if not more compelling - causing many to seek out alternate gambling platforms to satisfy their addiction.
This holds especially true for those who do not continue to work their recovery during the Pandemic - as they run an even greater risk of relapse.
During the Pandemic Phase majority of cities around the world have gone into an extensive lockdown to help control the transmission rates of COVID-19 from escalating further to levels that could have a dire economic impact on the country as well as threatening the sustainability of an already strained healthcare system. Such closures have resulted for many workers to start working from home or to take a hiatus from their job all together.
For the problem gamblers these social isolation orders pose added risks for relapse because their social safety nets that may have otherwise helped them to manage their gambling urges effectively before have been compromised.
For example: Prior to COVID-19 Outbreak, going in to work afforded some problem gamblers with the needed supervision and support from managers and other colleagues who now are not physically present.
Some problem gamblers have also reported feeling bored cooped up inside their home - where they are more inclined to turn to online gambling apps to fill the time and feed their addiction. Especially since many physical gambling venues have been shut down due to the Pandemic and attending in person recovery group sessions has also been nixed. It also does not help that many people stuck at home become inundated with more gambling advertisements via television, online, and social media - that can serve as triggers where the problem gambler may search out new modes of gambling to satisfy their gambling urges. For some this will lead to buying scratch offs, playing lottery games, and even turning to online gambling - of which there is no short supply on the internet.
While for some problem gamblers the Pandemic may have been instrumental to reducing their opportunity to pursue their preferred mode of gambling at a brick and mortar gaming venue.
That does not hold true for all gambling addictions - as the need to feed a gambling addiction the alternate opportunities offer added convenience with more devastating consequences for the gambling addict.
Now when we also add to the mix the economic uncertainty this global pandemic presents for members of society - for the problem gambler their financial concerns and high debt load many already carried into the Pandemic - leads them to have their addiction go into overdrive as gambling is seen as a solution to get them out of the financial hole instead of gambling being the cause why they are such dire financial straights.
For some their skewed belief about why they want to go and gamble will also become amplified during this Pandemic pandemonium - as they view gambling as a means to escape, calm their anxiety plus afford them with hope that the anticipated winnings will make them financially secure to weather the COVID-19 storm.
Unfortunately - for many compulsive gamblers they soon discover that their anticipated "rosy" outcome will not come to fruition. Instead most find themselves more anxious, desperate and overwhelmed by their mounting gambling debt load during an already dire pandemic financial climate.
Subsequently, it is not a surprise that the incidence rates for suicides will more likely spike among problem gamblers during the COVID-19 pandemic. A dire outcome that further supports the need for those with a gambling addiction to enter a recovery program instead of finding alternate means to fuel their addiction. Making online support recovery platforms and social media support groups integral part to mitigate against the risks of relapse - as well as readily offering resources and social supports for problem gamblers.
Otherwise the COVID-19 Pandemic will lead many additional lives to be lost in addition to the already climbing deaths caused by COVID-19 virus. Lastly, it needs to be stressed that once the Pandemic is over and the social-isolation orders are lifted with gambling establishments reopening their doors - an influx of gambling addiction relapse can be expected among problem gamblers whose urges will resurface.
This is largely because, one cannot equate forced abstinence by default with abstinence achieved through one's active choice and working one's recovery to avoid relapse.
Also as many problem gamblers will likely feel the emotional / mental toll from having had their gambling motivations suppressed during the Pandemic. Meaning while the Pandemic may have created a temporary barrier for some where they were prevented / had their desire / need to go and gamble suppressed. There are many others who will be inclined to return to their favorite Casino or Racetrack or Bingo Hall as soon as it reopens as social scene and sense of belonging is too alluring to resist - especially since they went without it for many months against their will.
For others physical gambling establishments will also afford a much needed escape to life's past and current chaos and personal stressors that the Pandemic created.
It cannot be stressed enough that life post Pandemic will present new challenges that unless a problem gambler is not sufficiently prepared to cope with - the inclination to run to a brick and mortar gambling venue as soon as they open again. This will yield dire financial, social implications soon after with greater consequences that many cannot even imagine.
If one adds to the mix the economic hardship, high unemployment rates and looming financial insecurity and anxiety over the future that this Pandemic has created in society already - will lead many problem gamblers who were likely in dire financial straits before the Pandemic hit and now they have these added new financial stressors will come to view gambling again as a refuge of familiarity. Including viewing gambling as their faint hope to deliver them from the financial ruin - as they proceed to gamble away the little money some may have saved while in self-isolation,
Unfortunately on a subconscious level problem gamblers never ever go to gamble to win. Rather they will always gamble to lose (even if they win a jackpot they will gamble away all their winnings and then some). This type of loss particularly in the current Pandemic climate is not something that problem gamblers can afford to incur, Making the need for online and other forms of recovery platforms an integral part of harm prevention both on a general (social) level and also on a specific (individual problem gamblers) level.
So for all those operating recovery support programs and offering online support services to problem gamblers during the Pandemic - you are commended for your service and dedication to helping others. Your efforts can and will help save the lives of many who would otherwise become added real casualties of this Pandemic.
Interesting video where a 2016 gambling addiction study examines the neurological function while gambling and how the anticipation of another win becomes just as - if not more addictive than the actual "WIN".
To view video CLICK on TAB below.
Coming out is important because it allows LGBTQ+ people to define, or at least start to figure out, who they are in their own terms and with their own agency.
It is also important because, as a parent or caregiver, showing your love, acceptance and support at these moments is essential to promoting the child’s well-being.
In fact, study after study has shown that acceptance, support and understanding can significantly decrease an LGBTQ+ teen’s likelihood of substance use and improve their mental health.
As such, Partnership to End Addiction has compiled a comprehensive set of resources for parents and families to serve as a guide to affirming and protecting their LGBTQ+ loved ones and to finding help if needed.
To Download these resources CLICK on TAB below:
We regularly update this page with new articles and resources to provide latest information about addiction and substance abuse - including recovery advancements.
If you have any questions or suggestions to enhance our resource content page please contact us to discuss.
Visit our Resource Hub page where we have posted links to many insightful articles written by subject matters experts on the topic of behavior addictions and substance abuse. You will also find additional links to organizations and support platforms posted there.
Just CLICK on LINK below to proceed.
In May 2017 - Remedy Max created Hope for Gamblers Unable to Quit - an On-Line Support Group on Facebook for Problem Gamblers who desire to quit but continue to struggle with relapse. This group is a confidential and private group designed - closed to the general public. This setting helps provide group members with the opportunity to openly discuss their experiences battling a gambling addiction with fellow group members who also self-identify as problem gamblers in recovery.
Group members have open access to many addiction recovery resources, guidance and support from fellow group members battling this addiction, as well as opportunity to access different recovery tools and strategies based on traditional recovery models as well as added insights into our Fractured Psyche Addiction Recovery Model which brings attention to the root cause driving the addiction.
Whether you are facing early onset of a gambling addiction where you are unsure if you have a gambling problem - or if you already acknowledged your gambling is a problem but are finding yourself relapsing over and over again despite your efforts and promises to self and others that you will not gamble again; you owe it to yourself to gain a fresh perspective from others who are or have been where you are but have found a way out of the private hellish battle that you continue to be fighting without winning.
Our group is a fellowship of problem gamblers that can provide valuable insights, added non-judgmental supports and an opportunity for you to end the solitude and private battle you have been carrying on until now.
If any of the above resonates with you - you owe it to yourself to explore our closed group and join us at "Hope for Gamblers Unable to Quit" where we view high risk behavior addictions like problem gambling as a symptom of a much deeper underlying root cause that needs to be healed to bring the gambling urges to an end as well as prevent addiction vice transference from taking place.
To Join "Hope for Gamblers Unable to Quit" - - just CLICK on TAB below for next steps.
Then consider joining our private Facebook Group called the BARK Exchange!
By joining our Behavior Addiction Recovery Knowledge (BARK) social media platform - you will have direct access to valuable publications , latest research findings in addiction and recovery advancements, links to online recovery support groups for problem gamblers as well as a network of professionals looking to help Compulsive Gamblers succeed in their recovery journey.
We launched this group back in April 2020 with the intention to
offer a secure centralized resource exchange by and from its members members to facilitate ongoing and ready access to comprehensive recovery resources and tools aimed to further their recovery journey and ending the cycle of relapse.
Membership in this group has also been extended to published authors, subject matter experts in the field of behavior addiction and group admins of online recovery support groups and other recovery support services (e.g., Zoom meetings) - with the goal to broaden public education awareness and information sharing to benefit those whose life has been adversely affected directly or indirectly by a behavior addiction - where they can gain ready access to resources and tools that can help bring an end to their cycle of relapse as well help prevent addiction vice transference in the future.
Our Group's Goal:
To offer a comprehensive ONE-STOP-SHOP for our members to help them keep abreast of new recovery support resources aimed to empower and inform them about the nature of their addiction and how to better mitigate against the urges for compulsive high risk self-sabotaging behavior by accessing resources that they might not be aware of and could be of value to their recovery journey.
Unlike traditional online private / closed addiction recovery groups - this group welcomes input from members who are published authors, subject matter experts in the field of addiction recovery as well as admins of addiction recovery groups to post about their publications, books, online links to promote their valuable services and resources to others.
The BARK Exchange group success is dependent on the contribution and input of all its members whose goal is to learn and share tools, resources, links and books with others that they have found instrumental in promoting abstinence and recovery success.
To join - please CLICK on TAB below to join the discussion.
In addition to the various online and social media group supports - we at RemedyBlox also offer individuals and those in their inner social social / professional circles with the following supports and services:
The 12-Step addiction recovery program was created by the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous to establish guidelines for the best way to overcome an addiction to alcohol. The program gained enough success in its early years for other addiction support groups to adapt the steps to their own needs.
There are many 12-step programs for various addictions and compulsive behaviors, ranging from Gamblers Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous to Debtors Anonymous—all of which use the same 12-Step methods.
Although the 12 Steps are based on spiritual principles, many nonreligious people have found the program immensely helpful. The language emphasizes the presence of God as each participant understands him, allowing for different interpretations and religious beliefs.
At the very least, the 12-Step model provides support, encouragement and accountability for people who genuinely want to overcome their addiction. The sponsorship model as well as regular meeting times encourage the kind of social support that has helped countless people stay clean / abstinent by learning to manage their addiction urges and compulsions for high risk behaviors.
Remedy Max and her team of Subject Matter Experts in Addiction & Recovery also belong and collaborate with numerous Problem Gamblers Fellowships and online Addiction Support Groups on social media - including but not limited to the Problem Gambling Hope & Recovery (PGHR). A fellowship founded on December 29, 2017 for the sole purpose of providing problem gamblers with a safe place to connect and recover with people around the world!
Recovery Supports Offered Online by PGHR:
Facebook and many other social media platforms offer confidential and private support group forums where members battling the same type of addiction participate in sharing their own experiences from challenges, struggles with relapse to their recovery success stories with others battling the same addiction.
Many of these forums also offer links to daily online ZOOM Meetings where participants gain added insights and recovery support from group moderators and guest speakers who share strategies that have worked for them to remain clean and sober.
To view list of private online support groups for those battling a behavior addiction like problem gambling and/or substance abuse - please CLICK on TAB below to access our RESOURCE HUB page which also features more links to articles and educational resources about various addictions.
Then visit our RESOURCE HUB where we have listed additional valuable information on the topic of Behavior Addiction and Substance Abuse and on the following other risk-based categories:
CLICK on TAB below to start your learning experience!
We have compiled a list of well written books to help both those struggling with behavior addictions and/or substance abuse gain added insights and tools to help them in their recovery journey.
Just CLICK on TAB below to proceed to our BOOK NOOK page to see list of current and earlier titles that many have found of great value to end the cycle of relapse.
We will be featuring new online course programs on Udemy about behavior addictions and substance abuse to help individuals battling addiction and their loved ones gain needed tools and insights to end the cycle of relapse.
To see the list of upcoming online course topics on this subject - please CLICK on TAB.
We are here to listen and to offer you with confidential support and strategic insights to help you with your recovery journey.
To learn more about our subject matter expertise in the field of behavior addiction prevention and the revolutionary recovery approach we use to help addicts in their recovery journey to end the cycle of relapse and also avoid addiction vice transference - please CLICK on TAB below.
We at RemedyBlox offer various in-person addiction prevention workshops for employers and also deliver engaging public talks and seminars about various behavior addictions and substance abuse to special interest groups and at public community forums.
The purpose of our public educational platforms on addiction recovery is to spread public awareness and also open the dialogue to dispel common misconceptions - especial behavior addictions that often go unnoticed until such time that the addict finds themselves hitting rock bottom with dire consequences affecting them and everyone else around them. Through our presentations we help audiences to readily recognize the Yellow & Red Flags of when someone may be at risk of developing a serious addiction and the essence of addiction prevention. We also identify effective recovery platforms that are available for both the addict and their family, friends and employers to help them commence their journey of self-discovery, healing and empowerment to avoid future relapse including transferring to another addiction vice.
To view the presentation topics we deliver for Employers, the Corporate Sector and Members of the General Public pleas select from the links below.
Providing workplace Employee Training on Addiction Risk Mitigation & Prevention.
The interactive workshops are designed to help dispel common myths and misconceptions about behavior addictions and deliver frameworks for early intervention to avert the gravity of risks and harms that often ensue when an employee's addiction goes unnoticed and untreated.
Delivering addiction risk mitigation presentations at Corporate Events / Business Forums.
The informative presentations help equip business owners and employers with new knowledge how to readily identify and respond to an employee battling an addiction and their duty to accommodate.
Offering compelling and insightful addiction risk mitigation presentations at public forums and community events.
The goal is to promote greater public awareness and understanding about various addictions and the supports available for both the individual struggling with an addiction as well as their loved ones who are negatively impacted by the addiction as well.
Copyright © 2014 - 2025 Remedyblox.com - All Rights Reserved.
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